Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I've been wanting to revise my booklet on "The Gifts of the Spirit," and must do so before I teach that seminar again the first week of May. But before I do that, I must prepare two other seminars and an address on Christian education.

I deliver the address on Christian education to a banquet for the community at Littlefield Christian Academy in Littlefield, Pennsylvania--right on the Maryland border just south of Gettysburg.

That same weekend, I teach a seminar on "How to Read the Old Testament as Christian Scripture" for the Littlefield community.

Also in early May I teach a three-night seminar on "The Biblical Theology of Missions" to Hillcrest Trinity Assembly in Boise, Idaho.

If you're interested in any or all of these as printed publications or as seminars I might teach in your church, contact me through this blog or directly by e-mail, and I'll get back to you as I complete them.
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1 comment:

  1. Dr. B, my name is Les. I am a Messianic Jewish believer in Yeshua attending Bethel Assemly of God in Littlestown, PA, not Littlefield, which is over at Littlestown Christian Academy.
    I look forward to your seminar at my church this Saturday April 25. Unfortunately, I differ in your interpretation as OT as Christian Scripture as far as the nation of Israel failing in its mission is concerned. I will go to your blog for my comment on that.
